007 Cat breed

007 Cat breed
007 James Bond Cat

Monday, June 22, 2015

Chinchilla Silver's Favorite Toys

Chinchilla Silver Persians are considered the Border Collie of Cat breeds.  Silvers are extremely brilliant, easy to train & demand attention. 
This Breed Loves mental stimulation so Please set aside some daily play time for your Chinchilla Silvers.  

Another wonderful quality about this breed is their melodious voices!
They love carrying toys in their mouths while singing
a tune.

Silvers love these chirping birds!
They carry these in their mouths when they want your
undivided attention!


Cheese Chaser Toy
I purchased this for my Silvers years ago and they still play with this!!


Be Creative & add a flicker ball to the Cheese chaser toy 
for Night time play!


Kittens and Adult cats LOVE these!


A must have for this breed!
This is the BEST Laser pointer for battery life.
Do Not point the laser at your cats eyes!


This will keep your Silver's occupied for
