007 Cat breed

007 Cat breed
007 James Bond Cat

Monday, July 18, 2016

Chinchilla Silver Persian Male

Rolls Royce Silver Cloud

Notice the eye's, nose and lips all outlined in beautiful black liner.  They also have magnificent eye color!  Green or Blue/green.

The Silver Persian has long been referred to as the “Rolls Royce” of the cat world. The look is timeless and elegant, and they have always been described as regal and exquisite in appearance. It is a “breed” of classic, incredible beauty, considered by many to be the most beautiful Persian color, if not the Fairest of them All.

Chinchilla Silver Persian Female

A non typical sized female.  Lexus is 10.2 lbs.
The Chinchilla silver persian is relatively small for the persian breed. 
 On average females weigh 5.5 - 7 lbs.

Chinchilla Persians have silky, long, luxurious fur with a huge neck ruff, a soft undercoat and a plumed tail. Their morphology is cobby, but they are lighter built than other Persians. They are usually much smaller than other Persians, with an average weight of 5.5 to 7 lbs. The head is round and broad. Legs are thick with large rounded paws. The muzzle is moderately short. Be sure to find a breeder who feels the HEALTH of the cat is a top priority, but Chinchillas are usually healthier than other Persians, due to their old type. Small ears are round and set far apart. Eyes are big and round with a typical sweet expression. Coat colors are chinchilla, shaded silver, blue and golden,  with green or blue/green eyes.